Journal of Signal and Information Processing 信号与信息处理杂志
时间:2017-04-20 09:37:58
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Journal of Signal and Information Processing 信号与信息处理杂志
ISSN Print: 2159-4465
ISSN Online: 2159-4481
JSIP is an international refereed journal dedicated to the latest advancements in signal and information processing. The goal of this journal is to keep a record of the state-of-the-art research and promote the research work in the areas. This journal invites original research and review papers that address the following issues in signal and information processing. Topics of interest are (but not limited to):
· Adaptive Filtering and Signal Processing· Adaptive Filters· Array Signal Processing· Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks· Chaos Theory in EEG Brain Signals· Chaos Theory in MEG Brain Signals· Communication Signal Processing· Compressive Signal Processing and Sensing· Computed Imaging· Computer Vision and Virtual Reality· Digital Signal Processing (DSP)· Filter Design and Structures· Fuzzy System (including Fuzzy Control)· Geophysical signal processing· Hardware Implementation for Signal Processing· Higher Order Spectral Analysis· Image Filtering· Image Processing and Understanding· Information Fusion and Its Application· MEG Signals Processing in Biomedical Research· Multimedia and Human-Computer Interaction· Non-Stationary Signal Analysis and Time-Frequency Analysis· Optical Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition· Optimization Problems in Signal Processing· PDE for Image Processing· Radar Signal Processing· Remote sensing· Signal Application and Others· Signal Processing for Bio-Informatics· Signal Processing for Bio-Medical and Cognitive Science· Signal Processing for Cognitive Radio· Signal Processing for Internet, Wireless and Communications· Signal Processing for Security· Signal Processing for Sensor Networks· Signal reconstruction· Sonar Signal Processing and Localization· Sparse Transform and Compressed Sensing· Spectrum Estimation and Modeling· Speech and Audio Coding· Speech Synthesis and Recognition· Statistic Learning, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition· Statistical Analysis of Brain Signals after Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation· TF Spectrum Analysis and Wavelet· Underwater Signal Processing· Video Compression and Streaming
The page limit for final papers is at least six double-column pages in 10 point Times New Roman font. However, we are also interested in short papers(letters) that clearly address a specific problem, and short survey or position papers that sketch the results or problems on a specific topic.
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