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Table 'ksfbw.p8_sort' doesn't exist
1146 World Journal of AIDS 世界艾滋病杂志 - - 快速论文发表网_快速发表论文

World Journal of AIDS 世界艾滋病杂志

作者:时间:2017-04-07 15:06:12  来源:  阅读次数:1076次 ]

ISSN Print: 2160-8814

ISSN Online: 2160-8822

The World Journal of AIDS is an international journal uniquely devoted to HIV/AIDS with an objective to provide the best quality information, research data and education on all aspects of HIV/AIDS that help in better understanding of HIV/AIDS and improve the quality of patient care. The journal aims to foster the exchange of information among all the health care professionals associated with HIV/AIDS. By publishing the most relevant research articles of high quality, within a peer – review process, it aims to provide with most important, relevant and applied research that is helpful to improve patient care. 

The journal focuses on scientific aspects and welcomes papers on all aspects of HIV/AIDS with special emphasis on:

  • · Diagnosis of HIV/AIDS
  • · Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
  • · Opportunistic infections in HIV/AIDS
  • · Pathogenicity of HIV/AIDS
  • · Political Economy of HIV Infection/AIDS
  • · Prevention of HIV/AIDS
  • · Treatment of HIV/AIDS
  • · Virology & immunology of HIV/AIDS

    The journal accepts papers in following categories: Original research articles, Review articles, Clinical studies, Case reports, Research letters and Clinical images related to HIV/AIDS.

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